Andie Case
Andie She is an American model, singer and songwriter who hails originally from Eugene within Oregon. Her fame was boosted by her performances and covering popular songs on YouTube, such as those from Rixton and Jason Derulo. Andie Case is an American singer, songwriter and model from Seattle located in Eugene, Oregon. She gained worldwide popularity after covering songs by popular artists through her YouTube channel which includes Rixton and Jason Derulo, as well as performing her own songs. Andie Case is an American performer, songwriter as well as model, based out of Seattle who hails from Eugene, Oregon. Her popularity grew worldwide after covering songs by popular artists on her YouTube channel, like Rixton as well as Jason Derulo, as well singing and performing her own music. Andie is a singer, songwriter and model born in Eugene in Oregon. She lives in Seattle. She became famous after performing as well as covering songs that were popular on YouTube, including songs by Rixton, Jason Derulo and many others. Andie Case was born on in June 12, 1992. She was born in Marysville at Washington State. Currently, she lives in Seattle. Gemini is her zodiac sign and she's aged 29. Andie is one of seven children. There is no information regarding her family background. In addition, she did not provide any information regarding her educational process. Her friend from the case is someone she wrote about who has assisted her in her own self-discovery journey. Andie brought back a few of the moments that the two girls have shared so that she could convey the idea. In terms of her sexuality, she's bisexual. Furthermore, when she posted the original track Be Me in the form of a video on YouTube in April, 2018, her description stated that the track featured her bisexuality. In addition, her newest single Mysterious was her first attempt at writing a song about a love partner who's female, since her debut in 2017. It was about the feelings of sexual tension she experienced when she first began to have a crush with her. Case is in the song is not sure whether she should express the thoughts and feelings she has and thoughts or just keep them for herself.

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